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Eye explosion on red tilapia

There is no one who raises red tilapia without experiencing eye explosion and white gill disease, gill rot on red tilapia. The disease usually occurs in the season with high water temperature, when the dissolved oxygen content in the water is low, the fish raised with high stocking density, the fish weight is from 100g or more. Disease occurs causing serious damage to farmers (50-70%). The following information will help farmers better understand these two diseases so that they can effectively prevent and treat them.

I. Exploding eye disease (blindness, protrusion)
1- Pathogens
Caused by Streptococcus bacteria. This bacterium thrives in environments with water temperatures of 20-30oC.
Pathological signs of sick fish
Fish shows signs of coma, disorientation to swim. Injured eye area such as eye inflammation, eye protrusion, eye bleeding
Unhealed hemorrhagic sores appear around the eyes, the base of the fins or the slightly red skin around the anus and genitals of the fish.
There is fluid in the fish’s abdomen flowing out into the anus (sign of disease in the acute period)
The fish stopped eating, there was no food in the stomach or intestines of the sick fish, and the gallbladder was enlarged.
The liver, kidney, spleen, heart, intestinal tract are bleeding. Spleen and kidney are swollen and slightly swollen
When severely infected fish were examined for adhesion of the internal organs to the intra-abdominal membrane of the fish, intra-membrane fibrin fibrils were observed in the abdominal cavity.

2- Methods of prevention and treatment of diseases
Perform well the preparation of ponds and cages, especially the treatment of pond bottom and water treatment. Use VINA AQUA to treat water at a dose of 1 liter/5,000 m3 of pond water for 2 consecutive days.
Before stocking, the fish should be bathed in 2-3% salt water for 5-15 minutes. Should be stocked at a moderate density
During the rearing process, it is necessary to regularly monitor the water environmental factors, so the dissolved oxygen content should be maintained at a high level by using a water fan. Mix and feed continuously 5g VITAMIN C ANTISTRESS + 3 gVINAPREMIX FISH in 1 kg of feed, periodically 7-10 days/month to strengthen the resistance of fish when temperature changes
When disease occurs should cut part or all of fish food. Reducing stocking density will reduce stress and disease transmission to fish. Immediately remove dead fish from ponds and cages
– Disinfect water with VINA AQUA or VINADIN 600 for 2 consecutive days, after 3 days of using ENZYM BIOSUB to improve the environment.
– Immediate treatment with antibiotics VINA ROMET or CATOM dose of 5 – 10 grams + VITAMIN C ANTISTRESS dose of 5 grams in 1 kg of feed (or 100 g of medicine for 5 tons of farmed fish), fed continuously for 7-10 days.
Treatment of early stage disease will be very effective.

II. White gill disease, gill rot (muddy gill disease)
1- Pathogens
Caused by the bacterium Myxococcus piscicolas. This bacteria thrives in the environment with pH = 6.5 – 7.5, water temperature 25 – 35oC.

2- Pathological signs of sick fish
Diseased fish have signs of swimming apart from the school, lethargic swimming on the water surface, the ability to catch prey decreases until they stop eating.
The gill webs of fish are rotten, corroded, torn, hemorrhagic, rotting and have a very sticky layer of mud.
The surface of the operculum is hemorrhagic, erosive, and irregularly shaped.

3- Methods of prevention and treatment of diseases
– It is necessary to perform well the preparation of the pond, dredging the pond bottom mud.
During the rearing process, the environment must be well managed to limit organic pollution through the management of feed.
Periodically change pond water to keep the environment clean. Regularly clean the walls of the cage to ensure an appropriate flow rate.
– Periodically treat water with VINA AQUA at a dose of 1 liter / 5,000 m3 of pond water, used once every 15 days.
– Mix and feed continuously 5 g VITAMIN C ANTISTRESS + 3 g VINAPREMIX FISH in 1 kg of feed, periodically 7-10 days/month to strengthen the resistance of fish when temperature changes.
– When fish is sick, water must be disinfected with VINA AQUA or VINADIN 600 for 2 consecutive days, after 3 days use ENZYM BIOSUB to improve the environment.
When the disease is detected early, it is necessary to treat immediately with antibiotics: VINA ROMET dose of 5 – 10 grams + VINAPREMIX FISH dose of 5 grams in 1 kg of feed for 7-10 days.
