Personnel Policies


Compensation and benefits

When participating in Central Veterinary Medicine Joint Stock Company I (Vinavetco), each staff member will be entitled to remuneration worthy of their contribution to the development of the Company. The Company’s policies for employees include:
– Create a professional working environment with modern equipment, ensuring hygienic working conditions and safety regime for employees.
– Competitive salary and bonus regime
– Allowance policy includes: attraction allowance, part-time allowance, responsibility allowance, mobile allowance, phone allowance… These allowances are an addition to monthly income, helping employees work safely.

Health care policy for employees: The health care policy is specially designed so that employees are always in the best shape, thereby promoting creativity and improving work efficiency. Including: Welfare insurance program for employees and their relatives to reduce economic pressure and use high-quality medical services when employees are at risk due to accidents, illness, diseases.
– Social insurance regime: Social insurance, health insurance and unemployment insurance regimes are implemented in accordance with the law and ensure that all employees are fully entitled to the insurance regimes. .
– Other social benefits: bonus on major holidays (New Year, Lunar New Year, Southern Liberation April 30 and International Labor Day May 1, National Day September 2, annual vacation, sewing uniforms, regimes for women on the occasion of 8/3; 20/10…

Cultural, sports and social activities for employees: With the goal of building a friendly, united and sharing working environment, Mavin regularly organizes cultural and sports activities. social activities such as: Giving gifts, taking care of women on the occasion of March 8 and October 20; Giving gifts and organizing the Mid-Autumn Festival program for children of officials, giving gifts to children with good academic achievements, giving gifts on the occasion of the international children’s day 1/6; Visiting, giving gifts, supporting the families of cadres with special circumstances…
